Function | Sub-Function | APIs | Description | Update Status |
irq_handler() | none | Interrupt handler function | 2019-1-10 |
main() | cpu_wakeup_init() | CPU initialization function [Mandatory] |
clock_init() | clock_init(SYS_CLK_24M_Crystal) | Clock initialization function, System Clock is 24M RC by default [optional] |
rf_drv_init() | rf_drv_init(RF_MODE_BLE_1M) | RF mode initialization [optional] |
gpio_init() | gpio_init(1) | GPIO initialization: set the initialization status of all GPIOs [optional] |
user_init() | pwm_set_clk() | pwm_set_clk(CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ, CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ) | set the clock frequency of PWM |
gpio_set_func() | gpio_set_func(PWM_PIN, AS_PWMx) | set pin as PWM |
pwm_set_mode() | pwm_set_mode(PWM_ID, PWM_NORMAL_MODE) | set mode of PWM |
pwm_set_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID, 2, 1) | set the max and cmp for PWM |
pwm_start() | pwm_start(PWM_ID) | start PWM |
main_loop() | none | Main program loop |
Variables above are defined as below
#define PWM_PIN GPIO_PA2
#define AS_PWMx AS_PWM0
#define PWM_ID PWM0
Function | Sub-Function | APIs | Description | Update Status |
irq_handler() | none | Interrupt handler function | 2019-1-10 |
main() | cpu_wakeup_init() | CPU initialization function [Mandatory] |
clock_init() | clock_init(SYS_CLK_24M_Crystal) | Clock initialization function, System Clock is 24M RC by default [optional] |
rf_drv_init() | rf_drv_init(RF_MODE_BLE_1M) | RF mode initialization [optional] |
gpio_init() | gpio_init(1) | GPIO initialization: set the initialization status of all GPIOs [optional] |
user_init() | pwm_set_clk() | pwm_set_clk(CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ, CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ) | set the clock frequency of PWM |
gpio_set_func() | gpio_set_func(PWM_PIN, AS_PWMx) | set pin as PWM |
pwm_set_mode() | pwm_set_mode(PWM_ID, PWM_COUNT_MODE) | set mode of PWM |
pwm_set_pulse_num() | pwm_set_pulse_num(PWM_ID,PWM_PULSE_NUM) | set the bumber of pulse |
pwm_set_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID, 2, 1) | set the max and cmp for PWM |
pwm_start() | pwm_start(PWM_ID) | start PWM |
main_loop() | none | Main program loop |
Variables above are defined as below
#define PWM_PIN GPIO_PA2
#define AS_PWMx AS_PWM0
#define PWM_ID PWM0
#define PWM_PULSE_NUM 3
Function | Sub-Function | APIs | Description | Update Status |
irq_handler() | none | Interrupt handler function | 2019-1-10 |
main() | cpu_wakeup_init() | CPU initialization function [Mandatory] |
clock_init() | clock_init(SYS_CLK_24M_Crystal) | Clock initialization function, System Clock is 24M RC by default [optional] |
rf_drv_init() | rf_drv_init(RF_MODE_BLE_1M) | RF mode initialization [optional] |
gpio_init() | gpio_init(1) | GPIO initialization: set the initialization status of all GPIOs [optional] |
user_init() | pwm_set_clk() | pwm_set_clk(CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ, CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ) | set the clock frequency of PWM |
gpio_set_func() | gpio_set_func(PWM_PIN, AS_PWMx) | set pin as PWM |
pwm_set_mode() | pwm_set_mode(PWM_ID, PWM_IR_MODE) | set mode of PWM |
pwm_set_pulse_num() | pwm_set_pulse_num(PWM_ID,PWM_PULSE_NUM) | set the bumber of pulse |
pwm_set_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID, 2, 1) | set the max and cmp for PWM |
pwm_start() | pwm_start(PWM_ID) | start PWM |
pwm_set_mode() | pwm_set_mode(PWM_ID, PWM_COUNT_MODE) | switch to count mode to stop IR mode |
main_loop() | none | Main program loop |
Variables above are defined as below
#define PWM_PIN GPIO_PA2
#define AS_PWMx AS_PWM0
#define PWM_ID PWM0
#define PWM_PULSE_NUM 2
Function | Sub-Function | APIs | Description | Update Status |
irq_handler() | none | Interrupt handler function | 2019-1-10 |
main() | cpu_wakeup_init() | CPU initialization function [Mandatory] |
clock_init() | clock_init(SYS_CLK_24M_Crystal) | Clock initialization function, System Clock is 24M RC by default [optional] |
rf_drv_init() | rf_drv_init(RF_MODE_BLE_1M) | RF mode initialization [optional] |
gpio_init() | gpio_init(1) | GPIO initialization: set the initialization status of all GPIOs [optional] |
user_init() | pwm_set_clk() | pwm_set_clk(CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ, CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ) | set the clock frequency of PWM |
gpio_set_func() | gpio_set_func(PWM_PIN, AS_PWMx) | set pin as PWM |
pwm_set_mode() | pwm_set_mode(PWM_ID, PWM_IR_FIFO_MODE) | set mode of PWM |
pwm_set_pulse_num() | pwm_set_pulse_num(PWM_ID,PWM_PULSE_NUM) | set the bumber of pulse |
pwm_set_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID, 2, 1) | set the max and cmp for PWM |
pwm_set_pwm0_shadow_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_pwm0_shadow_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID,4, 2) | set the max and cmp of shadow for PWM |
pwm_ir_fifo_set_data_entry() | pwm_ir_fifo_set_data_entry(PWM_PULSE_NUM1,0,1) | set data entry of IR fifo for PWM |
pwm_ir_fifo_set_data_entry(PWM_PULSE_NUM2,0,0) |
pwm_ir_fifo_set_data_entry(PWM_PULSE_NUM3,1,1) |
pwm_start() | pwm_start(PWM_ID) | start PWM |
main_loop() | none | Main program loop |
Variables above are defined as below
#define PWM_PIN GPIO_PA2
#define AS_PWMx AS_PWM0
#define PWM_ID PWM0
#define PWM_PULSE_NUM1 5
#define PWM_PULSE_NUM2 5
#define PWM_PULSE_NUM3 10
Function | Sub-Function | APIs | Description | Update Status |
irq_handler() | if(reg_pwm_irq_sta & FLD_IRQ_PWM0_IR_DMA_FIFO_DONE) | determine whether interrupt flag of IR DMA fifo done is right | 2019-1-10 |
reg_pwm_irq_sta Ι= FLD_IRQ_PWM0_IR_DMA_FIFO_DONE | clear interrupt flag | 2019-1-10 |
ir_dma_fifo_cnt++ | Interrupt processing | 2019-1-10 |
main() | cpu_wakeup_init() | CPU initialization function [Mandatory] |
clock_init() | clock_init(SYS_CLK_24M_Crystal) | Clock initialization function, System Clock is 24M RC by default [optional] |
rf_drv_init() | rf_drv_init(RF_MODE_BLE_1M) | RF mode initialization [optional] |
gpio_init() | gpio_init(1) | GPIO initialization: set the initialization status of all GPIOs [optional] |
user_init() | pwm_set_clk() | pwm_set_clk(CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ, CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_HZ) | set the clock frequency of PWM |
gpio_set_func() | gpio_set_func(PWM_PIN, AS_PWMx) | set pin as PWM |
pwm_set_mode() | pwm_set_mode(PWM_ID, PWM_IR_DMA_FIFO_MODE) | set mode of PWM |
pwm_set_pulse_num() | pwm_set_pulse_num(PWM_ID,PWM_PULSE_NUM) | set the bumber of pulse |
pwm_set_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID, IR_DMA_MAX_TICK, IR_DMA_CMP_TICK) | set the max and cmp for PWM |
pwm_set_pwm0_shadow_cycle_and_duty() | pwm_set_pwm0_shadow_cycle_and_duty(PWM_ID,IR_DMA_SHADOW_MAX_TICK, IR_DMA_SHADOW_CMP_TICK) | set the max and cmp of shadow for PWM |
pwm_config_dma_fifo_waveform() | IR_DMA_Buff[index++]= pwm_config_dma_fifo_waveform(1, PWM0_PULSE_NORMAL, 9000 * CLOCK_SYS_CLOCK_1US/IR_DMA_MAX_TICK) | set waveform of IR DMA FIFO mode for PWM |
... for details, refer to Driver Demo |
pwm_set_dma_address() | pwm_set_dma_address(&IR_DMA_Buff) | set the address of DMA |
reg_irq_mask Ι= FLD_IRQ_SW_PWM_EN | enable pwm interrrupt |
reg_pwm_irq_mask Ι= FLD_IRQ_PWM0_IR_DMA_FIFO_DONE | enable IR DMA FIFO done interrupt of pwm |
irq_enable() | enable global interrupt |
pwm_start_dma_ir_sending() | start IR DMA fifo mode of PWM |
main_loop() | none | Main program loop |
Variables above are defined as below
#define PWM_PIN GPIO_PA2
#define AS_PWMx AS_PWM0
#define PWM_ID PWM0
#define IR_DMA_CARRIER_FREQ 38000
unsigned short IR_DMA_Buff[64]={0};
unsigned int ir_dma_fifo_cnt=0;
unsigned char index = 2;
History Record
Date | Description | Author |
2019-1-10 | initial release | LJW |