TSI AES Features


The TLSR8258F512 embeds AES module with encryption and decryption function.The input 128bit plaintext in combination of key is converted into the final output ciphertext via encryption;the 128bit ciphertext in combination of key can also be converted into 128bit plaintext via decrytion.

The AES hardware accelerator provides automatic encryption and decryption. It only takes 1000 x System clock cycles to implement AES encryption or decryption. Suppose system clock is 20MHz, the time needed for AES encryption or decryption is 50us.

Both RISC mode and DMA mode are supported for AES operation.


The RISC mode essentially uses a state machine to encrypt and decrypt data. It should be noted that RISC mode only supports 128bit(16bytes) encryption and decryption. The registers involved are mainly divided into 4 categories, as shown below:

Category Register Description
REG_AES_KEY0 - REG_AES_KEY15 0x550-0x55f set value of key, A total of 16 bytes
REG_AES_CTRL 0x540[0] set operation method of AES module:1-decryption,0-encryption
0x540[1] automatically clear after quartic writing of address 0x548-0x54b
0x540[2] Be automatically set as 1 after encryption or decryption operation and then cleared automatically after quartic reading of address 0x548-0x54b
REG_AES_DAT0 - REG_AES_DAT3 0x548-0x54b write registers for 4 times to set the 128bit plaintext or read registers for 4 times to get the 128bit ciphertext

The encryption process is shown below:

Block Diagram of Encryption Process

The decryption process is shown below:

Block Diagram of Decryption Process

AES Mode - DMA

AES module supports DMA mode, which can greatly simplify data encryption and decryption process. Besides, parallelism between DMA and MCU can improve the efficiency of the program. To use the DMA mode, in addition to the relevant configuration, the data structure sent must follow the specific requirements below:

  • The defined plaintext or ciphertext buffer requires 4-byte alignment
  • The first 4 bytes are the length of plaintext or ciphertext. The low byte is first, as shown in the following figure.
    Block Diagram of plaintext or ciphertext Buffer Format in DMA Mode


In order to facilitate users to quickly develop products according to their own needs, TSI provide the following related APIs and examples.

APIs list Description Example Update Date Status
aes_encrypt() AES encryption operation in RISC mode API-AES-CASE1 2019-1-10 Done
aes_decrypt() AES decryption operation in RISC mode API-AES-CASE1 2019-1-10 Done
aes_dma_encrypt() AES encryption operation in DMA mode API-AES-CASE2 2019-1-10 Done
aes_dma_decrypt() AES decryption operation in DMA mode API-AES-CASE2 2019-1-10 Done

TSI provides the following examples of this module to help users quickly understand and apply related modules.

Examples list Description Update Date Status
API-AES-CASE1 encrypt and decrypt in RISC mode 2019-1-10 Done
API-AES-CASE2 encrypt and decrypt in DMAmode 2019-1-10 Done

History Record

Date Description Author
2019-1-10 initial release LJW